Wednesday, September 1, 2010


  1. To organize the students in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions of the country and also Indian students studying abroad under its banner to build a powerful and well-knit student movement for the upliftment and betterment of the student community
  2. To take active interest in the struggle for liquidation of the evil legacies of colonialism and for building in our country an independent, democratic and socialist society to ensure a prosperous and progressive future for our people.
  3. To establish a democratic, scientific and progressive educational system ensuring education and job for all that will be facilitated by the implementation of comprehensive land reforms, elimination of the stranglehold of international finance capital and indigenous monopoly capitalism.
  4. To organize the student community in the struggles of the wider democratic movement of the workers, peasants, and other progressive forces and to seek their cooperation and support to achieve the immediate demands and aims.
  5. To achieve the democratic rights of the student community- Right to democratic and independent expression and behavior. – Right to form student unions and associations and right to assemble – Right to participate in the management of all educational institutions and of all bodies connected with the academic and other affairs of student life.
  6. To work for free universal and compulsory education up to secondary stage and abolition of all school fees up to plus two stage, and for all necessary and complete facilities of education, hostel, scholarships, sports and cultural and social activities that would be adequate and within the reach of all students. To ensure that education upto primary level is provided in mother tongue.
  7. To struggle for guarantee of employment after completion of education or unemployment grants till employed and fight for the recognition of the right to work as a constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right.
  8. To fight against every manifestation of, and oppression or discrimination based on, religion, caste, language, race, region or gender and to work for secularism, communal harmony, amity and equality of all.
  9. To extend warm solidarity to all the progressive forces of the world struggling for freedom, national independence and socialism.
  10. To establish fraternal and friendly relations with all other student organizations, which are pledged to work for secularism, democracy and socialism and to have united action with other student organizations on specific issues and demands

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